SenSpot™ from Resensys is a cost-effective, easy-to-install, wireless device for long-term bridge and structural monitoring.
SenSpot™ sensors provide a versatile platform for remote monitoring of structures on a wide range of structural quantities; examples include strain (stress), vibration, tilt, inclination, temperature, humidity, and acoustic emission events. SenSpot™ are the world’s most energy efficient wireless monitoring sensors providing a minimum of 10 years of monitoring using a small ½-AA battery.
“Other sensors have been invented to monitor infrastructure for signs of cracking or metal fatigue, but what distinguishes the Resensys device is its miserly use of power — about 4 microwatts, or roughly 100 million times less than a typical light bulb” M. Kalantari, Resensys CTO.
Wireless Structural Monitoring Applications:
Bridge monitoring
Data collected from the sensors provide bridge owners with diverse information on bridge structural health such as overstrain, changes in load conditions, deformation, excessive vibration, crack development and growth, and conditions that are conducive to corrosion.
Structural monitoring
The structural health monitoring solution consists of a variety of SenSpot sensors from strain, tilt, vibration, fatigue, corrosion, displacement, humidity and temperature sensors all provided in our wireless SenSepot sensor. The sensors provide real-time data at the comfort of the office or any location desired.
Read more on the Senspot™ wireless structural monitoring solution.