welcome mark green

We’re delighted to announce the appointment of Mark Green to the role of Survey Sales Consultant at Global Survey.  Mark is well known to many having been in our industry for over 30 years.

Ray Copeland, Managing Director at Global Survey says “We are delighted to have someone of Mark’s calibre join our team with his depth of knowledge and commitment to serving customers. Having Mark on board working alongside our other survey specialists, allows us to better serve our customers and ensure they receive the quality service, support and advice that we strive for”.

Mark has recently returned to NZ after 7 glorious months travelling across Europe on an extended OE. He lives on the shore with his family and brings with him expertise in GNSS and robotic solutions, monitoring, scanning and UAV.

You can catch up with Mark at the NZIS conference 22-24 June in Napier or contact him on 027 700 3373 / mark.green@globalsurvey.co.nz.

Welcome to the Global Survey team Mark!