Great news for SmartFix users especially Cadastral surveyors. Over 90% of our SmartFix sites are now part of the LINZ Geodetic database.
Almost all of our sites are 3rd order stations, with another 4 sites at 12th order. The 12th order sites will be upgraded to 3rd order in the very near future.
To find them in the LINZ Geodetic database simply search via their four letter SmartFix code e.g. GSAL
Search the LINZ Geodetic database here
The benefit to SmartFix users is that the published site coordinates will be adjusted as and when LINZ update their coordinates. This provides a more robust connection to the Geodetic framework and improved traceability of the site coordinates.
We are constantly expanding and improving our SmartFix service with the roll out of new sites in the near future.
SmartFix is available to users of all brands of GNSS equipment and delivers:
- cm level real-time kinematic corrections in NZGD2000
- post-processing solutions
- sub-meter GIS corrections
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