3D laser scanning is a proven way to document crime and crash scenes. With a push of a button, you can “freeze” the scene in time with millions of high-accuracy points and panoramic photography.
The resulting data is a true color, extremely detailed, rich, vivid and immersive 3D environment that provides a true and accurate representation of your scene before any evidence has been moved. A new on-demand webinar shows how recent innovations make laser scanning an even faster and more powerful tool for clearing scenes quickly and easily.
The new Leica RTC360 laser scanner captures a full scene scan plus HDR imagery in 1 minute and 26 seconds. It tracks movement and objects within the scene in real-time, so it understands how each scan fits in with the next. It automatically removes the noise generated by people and vehicles moving through a scene, and it registers scans in the field in real-time so that you can share 3D exhibits at the push of a button.
These advances – incredible speed, in-field registration, clean and high-quality data, and seamless workflows – are just some of the developments that are enabling public safety professionals to make impressive strides toward the future.
This webinar will give you an overview of the new Leica RTC360 laser scanner and lead you through some of the key considerations you need to make the right laser scanning technology decisions for your agency. You’ll learn:
- How edge computing impacts the in-field registration process and ultimately speed-to-deliverables
- Why data capture speed matters
- How to use double scanning for automatic noise filtering
- How to evaluate laser scanners for ruggedness and environmental durability
- When and why to use automatic geotagging
- How to evaluate accuracy to ensure admissible data
- How to use the newest publishing options into TruView, JetStream Viewer, and Map360
- Watch the webinar today to discover how to clear your scenes faster and more automated than you ever thought possible.
Watch the webinar and discover how to clear scenes faster with Leica laser scanning
Contact our expert team to discuss Leica Reality Capture solutions:
0800 453 422 or info@globalsurvey.co.nz