
Leica BLK360 International Series #1: Accurate Measurements and an Efficient Workflow

Based in Stuttgart, Germany, Olaar specialise in architecture, construction and design for a range of indoor and outdoor projects including residential and commercial construction, urban development and concept studies for future builds.

Maintaining Quality and Improving Efficiency

With a dynamic client base and a range of ongoing projects, Olaar faces the daily task of maintaining high standards throughout their work whilst optimising time both in the field as well as back at the office. Having used laser scanning solutions in the past, Olaar co-founders Clemens Obenland and Christoph Längle, decided to explore the newest devices to the market including those offered by Leica Geosystems.

We always wanted to purchase a laser scanner but, until now we found them to be too expensive and complicated to use” says Clemens.

Olaar was founded only few years ago and the competition among architect firms in Stuttgart is fierce. The founders are always looking to stand out from the competition with innovation and new digital technologies so the Leica BLK360 was a perfect fit.

Investment in the Leica BLK360

Having researched available solutions the Olaar team chose to invest in the Leica BLK360 3D laser imaging scanner and integrated it into their workflow in late 2017. After receiving and using the device for the first time across client projects the team were immediately impressed by the speed of the results.

In Olaar’s everyday work the BLK360 is not only used to produce a 3D view of a specific space, but also to obtain precise measurements both before and after the work has been completed. Prior to purchasing the BLK360, the specialised team of architects collected measurements by hand and had to visit the site several times in order to guarantee accuracy.

Furthermore, with a single-button operation, only one person is needed to operate the BLK360, which translates into a better use of Olaar’s human resources as well as more confidence in the results obtained. “We don’t need to check the data because we know the BLK360 always gets the measurement right the first time” states Olaar co-founder Clemens.

Benefits for all parties Involved in the Project

Since integrating the BLK360 into their workflows, Olaar now uses the device across all of its client projects. “The BLK360 has transformed the way we take measurements, as well improving precision. Furthermore, everybody on the team can use the device and there’s no need for special expertise or training,” says Clemens. “Regardless of the project scope, from small to large clients, we integrate the BLK360 across all our work.

As a result of using the BLK360 Olaar has seen an increase in interest from existing clients and has attracted new ones, allowing the business to grow. “Our clients like the work we’re doing and also like when we say we use the BLK360 across our projects. It’s good to show what the device is capable of” adds Clemens. “They value the fact that the BLK360 collects precise digital data and that their information is always available to review during any phase.” The point cloud and digital plans of a space not only help Olaar in their day to day but are also of great value to everyone involved across their many projects.

We couldn’t work without the BLK360 anymore” concludes Christoph Längle – Olaar, Germany.

Is the Leica BLK360 the right solution for you? Enquire here to find out.